What they are doing:
• The suspect(s) generally enter a residence by prying a back or garage door. Once inside the suspects rummage bedrooms.
• Most of the burglaries are occurring from 6 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
• The property suspects are most interested in is jewelry, money, laptops and small game type electronics. We have had an incidence where a 42 and 32 inch TV was taken.
• Possible Suspect Vehicle: White Astro Van with bumper damage.
• Possible Suspects: High school age males.
• Please be vigilant in making sure that your garage, exterior doors and windows are locked when leaving your home.
• Leave a light on and/or music, and/or Television.
• Leave an interior and exterior light on if you are away from home in the evening.
• If you suspect that someone has been in your home, leave the residence immediately and dial 911.
Be a good neighbor!
We ask that you write down the suspicious person’s physical description, age, and clothing. It is also important to note if the person is alone or with others. If the person is in a vehicle, write down the vehicle description, license plate and anything unique about the vehicle. Be ready to give this information to the police dispatcher and officers when they arrive. If the people or vehicle leave the area tell the dispatcher the direction they are traveling. Remember, do not hesitate to call 911 we are here to help keep your community safe!
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